Residential Basement Alterations
Residential Shed and Fence Permits
Residential Pool Permit Application
Application for Residential CCO & Fees
Checklist for Residential C.C.O.
Certificate of Continued Occupancy
Residential Fire Extinguisher Requirements
Carbon Monoxide Alarm Requirements
Fire Prevention
Fire Investigation Report Requests
Residential Smoke/CO Detector/Fire Extinguisher Certification
Please be advised that Manalapan Township does not require a Certificate of Continued Occupancy for refinancing.
Chapter 123, Article I of Manalapan Township’s Housing Code requires that a Certificate of Continued Occupancy be obtained prior to the change of occupancy in any dwelling or dwelling unit.
A Certificate of Smoke Detector Compliance issued by Manalapan Township Fire Bureau is also not required for refinancing.
Please contact Manalapan Township Construction Code Department for questions or additional information.
Richard W. Hogan
Construction Code/Fire Official