Residential Basement Alterations
Residential Shed and Fence Permits
Residential Pool Permit Application
Application for Residential CCO & Fees
Checklist for Residential C.C.O.
Certificate of Continued Occupancy
Residential Fire Extinguisher Requirements
Carbon Monoxide Alarm Requirements
Fire Prevention
Fire Investigation Report Requests
Residential Smoke/CO Detector/Fire Extinguisher Certification
Fire Investigation Report Requests
Requests for copies of fire investigation reports can be made to the Fire Prevention Bureau. The fee is $25, payable to Manalapan Township. Please note that there is no required time frame in which to have an investigation report complete. A copy of the fire report will be forwarded as soon as it has been finalized and approved.
In the event of a joint investigation with the Monmouth County Fire Marshall’s Office, requests for copies of these reports can be directed to 1027 Highway 33 East, Freehold, NJ 07728 or by calling 732-683-8856.