Tuesday Program Schedule

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Updated 02-02-2024

12:00 am  Tales of Old Tennent Church

1:00   am  A Brief History of Manalapan

1:30   am  Welcome to the Village Inn in Englishtown

2:00   am  2015 New Jersey State History Fair

2:30   am  A Brief History of Manalapan

3:00   am  Tales of Old Tennent Church

4:00   am  March 1865 Lincoln/Grant meeting

5:00   am  2015 New Jersey State History Fair

5:30   am  A Brief History of Manalapan

6:00   am  Tales of Old Tennent Church

7:00   am  Emily Roebling: Brooklyn Bridge Builder

8:00   am  2015 New Jersey State History Fair

8:30   am  A Conversation with Abraham Lincoln

9:00   am  Manalapan High School Bravecast

9:30   am  Tales of Old Tennent Church

10:30 am  2015 New Jersey State History Fair

11:00 am  Emily Roebling: Brooklyn Bridge Builder

12:00 pm  Dedication of the Monmouth Battlefield visitor cen.

1:00   pm  2015 History Fair Featuring Abraham Lincoln

1:30   pm  Dedication of the Monmouth Battlefield Visitors Ctr

2:30   pm  A  Brief History of Manalapan

3:00   pm  Tales of Old Tennent Church

4:00   pm  March 1865  Lincoln/Grant meeting

5:00   pm  Dedication of the Monmouth Battlefield Visitor Ctr.

6:00   pm  Emily Roebling: Brooklyn Bridge Builder

7:00   pm  2015 New Jersey State History Fair

7:30   pm  A Conversation with Abraham Lincoln

8:00   pm  March 1865  Lincoln/Grant meeting

9:00   pm  Manalapan High School Bravecast

9:30   pm  A Brief History of Manalapan

10:00 pm  2019 New Jersey State History Fair

11:00 pm  March 1865  Lincoln/Grant meeting