Contact Information

The mailing address for all departments is:

120 Route 522
Manalapan, NJ 07726

Listed below are the Township Departments. For additional information on each department, please visit the department information page by clicking on the department. To email a department, please click on the individual’s name.


Name Department Phone Fax
Susan Cohen Mayor 446-8307 446-9615
Tara Lovrich Administrator 446-8305 446-9615
Renee Garrigana Administration 446-8306 446-9615
Shari Rose Clerk 446-8314 446-5796
Margaret Jahn Community Alliance 446-8345 446-1576
Richard Hogan Construction 446-8319 446-1366
Daniella Trancho Court Administrator 446-8333 446-2504
Patricia Addario Finance 446-8338 446-7998
Margy Jahn Health 446-8349 446-1576
Jan Zachary MTTN 446-8309 446-9615
Jeff Papcun Parks & Recreation 446-8354 792-1943

Lisa Nosseir

Janice Moench

Planning Board

Zoning Board of Adjustment





Chief Edward Niesz Chief of Police 446-4300 446-2876
Alan Spector Public Works 446-8403 446-1336
Kaitlyn Safchinsky Purchasing 446-8342 446-7998
Jerri Casale Recycling / Trash 446-8404 446-1336
Elaine McNamara Senior Citizen Center 446-8402 446-2564
Jeralyn Casale Shade Tree 446-8416 446-1336
Robin L. Bucchi Tax Assessor 446-8310 446-7998
Consetta Ellison Tax Collector 446-8358 446-7998
Nancy DeFalco Planning/Zoning/Enforcement 446-8322 446-9636