Snow Information
Manalapan Township snow removal is conducted by the Department of Public Works and Private contractors. Here are some rules, facts and tips to help our Department of Public Works to safely remove snow and ice from Township Roads.
- No debris (bag leaves and brush), garbage cans or basketball hoops shall be placed in the roadway these items could impede the ability to clear the streets safely and increase the risk of property damage and jeopardizes the safety of others.
- Roads must be clear of vehicles during snowfall and until end of snow and the clearing of street. When snow exceeds 1 inch or more in accordance with township ordinances 94-07
- Snow may not be blown or shoveled into the roadway.
- Manalapan is approximately 30.9 square miles
- Manalapan has approximately 352 lane miles
- Wait to clear bottom of driveway until street is completely plowed or cleared at the end of storm
- Parking your cars in the driveway give you less snow to remove.
- When clearing snow, where possible, put snow to right side of property (looking from your house out to street).
- Remove basketball hoops from right away, trucks tarps can get snag on rim and net and cause property damage or vehicle damage
1 . To reduce damage to your mailbox it should be placed in with the accordance with United State Post Office Regulation and Township Ordinance 2003-31 (204-16).
2. Check the condition of your mailbox if it is in pour condition must likely it want stand up to snow removal. Checking the condition of your mailbox copy and paste this address to your internet browser https://youtube/mJiS6SzFHZ4